Estate Planning Attorney Waco, TX
Mike Burgett is a Waco Estate Planning Attorney who makes learning your story and delivering peace of mind his top priority. Estate Planning is a topic that people frequently prefer to avoid thinking about. But during his 20 years of being an attorney Mike has developed counseling skills that make exploring all aspects of Estate Planning comfortable – and even a bit fun at times!
Mike has also discovered a couple of truths which hold true in almost all areas of life, and most certainly in the realm of Estate Planning. He calls them “The 5 P’s”. First:
Prudent Planning Prevents Preventable Pain!
And time after time he has seen the opposite play out for families after losing a loved one:
Poor Planning Precedes Preventable Pain
Whether you or your loved one live in Waco or are located in another part of Texas, Attorney Mike Burgett will listen to your story and create for you a customized Estate Plan that is designed to protect you, your loved ones, your property, and your legacy now and far into the future.
As an Estate Planning Attorney Waco, Mike dedicates his entire practice to meeting the needs of young families, single adults, families who need Special Needs planning, retirees, and those with Elder Law concerns like Medicaid Pre-planning and Medicaid Crisis Planning.
Mike calls himself a “One Hat Attorney”. Rather than focusing on multiple unrelated areas of law and needing to switch between wearing different Attorney hats, he is only an Estate Planning Attorney. That affords him the ability to provide the highest quality services of Estate Planning in Waco and throughout Texas.
Interested in Learning More?
Contact us for an
Estate Planning Consultation.
No matter what stage of life you are in, we can create a roadmap for your situation. We establish protections for you and your loved ones that give you peace of mind, knowing that things will be okay…
no matter what happens in the future.
Burgett law firm services
There are so many aspects of Estate Planning. Yet most people think of it merely as having in place any sort of will, trust, or power of attorney. While there is a place for properly customized versions of each of these within a well-designed estate plan, true value, protection, and peace of mind can only be obtained by taking further steps. These include (1) becoming educated through one of our free, entertaining workshops (whether online or in-person at our Learning Center), (2) taking advantage of the opportunity for a free, follow-up consultation, and (3) allowing us the privilege of making certain that your concerns and goals are properly addressed through our creation of your personalized, comprehensive estate plan.
Waco Estate Planning Attorney Practice Areas
If you are single or don’t own any real estate, should you still have an Estate Plan?
All adults, including those still in College, should at a minimum have designations in place in case of a hospitalization or incapacity. This will allow someone to make financial and medical decisions on their behalf. For college aged adults, this could be their parent(s).
One of the biggest fears clients face is the unknown consequences for their children if something terrible happened to them as parents and caretakers. Being the parents of five children ourselves, we know all about this!
We have comprehensive planning systems that put into place crucial safeguards that will protect your children now and well into their future.
This is the stage of life when your priorities likely have shifted. Have you thought about exacly how your financial goals can be achieved? Your priorities need to be aligned across the board in all of your planning.
We lead our clients through a unique process to make certain they are protected in all matters of highest importance to them. Working with an attorney who listens first, emphasizes the importance of a life-long relationship with you and your family, and never stops earning your trust should be a top priority.
Contrary to popular belief:
You Do Not Have to Go Broke Paying for Nursing Home Care Costs!
Have you experienced a recent “close call”, or is your health (or that of a loved-one), declining? Perhaps you’re healthy now but concerned about your family’s history with certain illnesses. People have watched too many others lose their entire nest-egg to pay for long term care costs.
We can help you preserve assets and address many other very important elder law matters.

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