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College Adult Planning

What if something terrible happened while your college student
was off to college? 

If you have a college student or a young adult who is over 18, they are now adults! 
As parents we do all we can to provide and protect our children. If you are sending your adult child off to college, the story below is all too common. Unfortunately, we need to prepare for anything that may come our way in life. We can help you get these protections in place with college adult planning

Don’t let the story below, happen to you!

Prepare now, so this isn't you

You receive word about your child, who is over the age of 18, that he/she is in terrible pain far away at college and has been taken to the hospital. 

The friend who took him/her to the hospital is the only source of information you have to receive word of his/her condition. 

All you know is that your child has been taken to the hospital and is not answering his/her cell anymore. Every time you call the hospital, they tell you – “Your ‘child’ is an adult and we don’t have permission to share anything with you because of HIPAA rules.” Unless you prepared for this, the hospital cannot tell you anything about your child.

Our YOUNG ADULT HEALTHCARE package provides a card that your child carries with them and includes access to healthcare authorizations and emergency contact notification to alert you immediately in a crisis. Does your child travel a lot? This card works worldwide 24/7/365.

Contact us today to discuss putting these protections in place for your young adult. 

Estate Planning for Individuals, College Adult Planning
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Register for a Workshop

Register now for an upcoming workshop at our Learning Center or from the comfort of your home and learn how you (or your loved one) can put a plan in place that will provide protection!